(Quick Reference)

3 Usage - Reference Documentation

Authors: Igor Artamonov

Version: 0.6

3 Usage

Example app

You can take a look at Example Application , it's very basic app, that shows how to use the plugin. Just clone it, put your Twitter App credentials, and play with the code.


Install plugin

Add dependencies into BuildConfig.groovy:

plugins {
    runtime "org.grails.plugins:resources:1.1.6"
    compile "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:2.0-RC2"

compile "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-twitter:0.6" }

Setup Twitter credentials

Put your Twitter API Consumer Key/Secret into Config.groovy:


Create domain class for your user

Like domain/TwitterUser.groovy:

class TwitterUser  {

/** * Twitter Username (notice that it could be modified by user, Twitter allows that) */ String username

/** * Twitter User Id */ Long twitterId

/** * Twitter API token */ String token

/** * Twitter API secret */ String tokenSecret

/** * Related to main App User */ static belongsTo = [user: User]

static constraints = { twitterId(unique: true, nullable: false) username(nullable: false, blank: false) }


The plugin is configured for TwitterUser class name by default. But you could use different name (or use package) for domain class, for example com.company.UserWithTwitter, that you should configure at Config.groovy at this case:


Put SignIn with Twitter button:

Add into your GSP:

<twitterAuth:button />

Use Spring Security

Now you could use all security tools provided by Spring Security Core.

For example, you could use taglib for checking user state:

    <div class="message">Authenticated</div>
    Hello <sec:username/>!

<sec:ifNotLoggedIn> <div class="message">Not authenticated</div> <twitterAuth:button /> </sec:ifNotLoggedIn>